This week Eva turns 2 months old. It's a major step because at this age babies start getting their immunizations. After a whole lot of reading, research, and hefty agonizing, I have decided to have her vaccinated. I realize this is a controversial subject, and I'm not looking to start a debate. I am definitely NO advocate of modern medicine, it's all hogswallop in my opinion... but if we want to send Eva to public school she has to be vaccinated, plus the thought of her losing her sight to Scarlet Fever or her legs to Polio is enough to convince me.
Wednesday is the big day. I'll probably be a wreck.
In happier news, this is what Geneva looked like this past week:

Thanks you Csilla for the tricycle shirt. Alas, we only got about three days wear out of it before she out grew it. It really is leaps and bounds everyday, I think I can actually see her growing sometimes.

I immunized my son partially, I opted out of pertussis. It is such a personal choice! Don't worry she will be fine...if she spikes a fever strip down the both of you and lay her on your chest so you can Gage her temp and sponge her off. Healthy and happy!
ReplyDeletemodern medicine = hogswallop indeed! in general.
ReplyDeletehowever, i was maaaad vaccinated and turned out (relatively ok). go Eva! my mom used to give me ice cream after shots. xx