Geneva went on her first trip to NYC this past week. We flew down to see all my Brooklyn friends, and several other friends who happened to be converging in the city at the same time.
She was SO good on both the flight there and the flight back. Not a peep out of her. She slept the whole way to JFK and on the way back sat and stared wide-eyed at Mama and Papa. We were nervous that the pressure change would bother her ears, but she didn't seem to mind. The other passengers and the flight attendants oohed and aahed over her, we were VERY proud parents.
First we went to our friend Emily's totally sweet apartment, where we were staying, to drop off our stuff. My old housemate Autumn came over to meet us.
Emily, Autumn, Geneva and I in Emily's kitchen.Then we all headed into the city for AFP's show with Neil Gaiman at the Housingworks Cafe in SoHo.
Amanda and Neil meeting Geneva during soundcheck.
Geneva having a snack during soundcheck with her noise-canceling headphones on.
Mama enjoying the cheapest beverage on the menu.We didn't stay for the show because it was WAY past Eva's bedtime and she was WAY cranky. So we went back to Williamsburg and Eva went to bed while Mama and Papa stayed up watching cable TV (something we haven't had in a reeeeally long time).
Geneva passed out in Emily's bedThe next morning we took a stroll around Mama's old stomping grounds in Williamsburg. I showed her all the places I used to hang out. Then Autumn came to get us and we took the subway into Manhattan.
Autumn, me and Geneva waiting for the L train.
Eva sleeping on the train.We met up with another former housemate, Dave, and walked around the East Village. Geneva was wide-eyed the whole time and really interested in everything.
Autumn, Dave and Eva in the Stuyvesant Square park eating Artichoke Pizza (the best flipping pizza in New York... and that's saying something!)In all it was an excellent trip and we now know that Eva travels very well. This was a little test, and she totally aced it.