Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Fun

Nate and I have been working on the massive project of cleaning up the basement... and not just tidying things into neat piles in the corners, but actually sorting through boxes and reorganizing/reevaluating their contents. It's overwhelming, but we do keep coming across fun treasures! Last night we found a box of various sprinklers/hose parts. Well today it was super hot and sunny out, so Nate attached a few hoses together to run down to the yard and we tested some of them out. Geneva got a huge kick out of it, the child LOVES water.

Also, since we've had quite a lot of rain lately, the mushrooms have sprung up everywhere in the woods. We went for a walk the other day and found this beaut on the trail.

It's just so exciting that summer already seems to be in full swing, even though it's only June!! Still two full months of sunny adventures to be had.


  1. Ha, way cute. I think I shall go run around and play in the water now.

  2. THANK GOODNESS YOU PUT MORE PICS UP! I was at the point where I was checking daily. YAY STALKERS!
