Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We went to Burlington, VT to see the Walkers this weekend. Lots of exciting things happened including...
Eva figured out how to roll from her back to her belly, which she now loves to do.
She got her knees up under her butt while on her belly, which is a major step towards crawling. She can actually wiggle really well across the floor by kicking her legs, but she hasn't figured out what to do with her arms yet.
She also started "walking" while we stand her up on the floor. Her favorite is to walk towards someone, or even up someone.

And the most exciting... her first tooth broke through her bottom gum!! This involves a story: We arrived at the airport to get a flight home yesterday and in the security line she very suddenly started screaming, and I mean screaming. For those of you without babies, there is a big difference between "i'm uncomfortable or hungry" crying and "i'm in pain" crying. This was most definitely the latter. We tried everything and had NO idea what the matter was. Everyone was staring at us and one woman even walked up to me and said (in front of a large line of people) "Do you think your baby might be cold? Because she's not wearing very much and it's freezing in here". She was NOT cold, she was, in fact, sweating from kicking and screaming so much, but thanks anyways, Lady.
Well, at one point she opened her mouth really wide to wail and I noticed there was blood on the tip of her tongue. I freaked, and held her mouth open to look inside and saw a little white thing sticking up from her gum. It definitely wasn't there the day before, so I'm thinking that the tooth pushed it's way out while we were at the airport, hence the screaming. Neat.

I'm trying really hard to get a picture of the tooth, but her tongue is always in the way and she won't hold her head still long enough anyway. Maybe when she is sleeping I can get a snap of it.

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