Our friends and fellow Hobart and William Smith alums, Andrew Scott and Tara Edlund, got married this past weekend. We went along and brought Eva to show off. Also there were our former Los Angeles roommates Dan and Heather who have a brand new baby girl named Lily Louise. She is absolutely adorable and is only 10 hours older that Geneva! They hit it off immediately.
At nap time during the reception they fell asleep together in Lily's stroller, it was great.
Of course our camera ran out of batteries about 10 minutes into the ceremony and we left the charger at home, but luckily Heather had her fancy camera with her and sent along some great photos.
The Keating/Walker Family
I made my dress all by my self!!
Eva and Lily meet for the first time at the chapel.
Dan is obviously excited (love the look on Lily's face)!
Geneva with Papa, best picture of the day.
Cutie muffin!!
Telling secrets.
The girls are almost as tall as Colleen.

Sleepy heads.
Spooning babies! Eva woke Lily up by punching her in the back of the head, oops.
Hobart boys and all roommates at some point or another, Dan (Lily's dad), Crawford (groomsman), Andrew (groom), Nate (Eva's papa), Vijia (awesome).